Thursday, July 14, 2011

In a male-majority job and want to stand out as a woman? Do it through fashion. (Part 1)

Put a feminine twist on typical office guy wear: T-shirt and capris (generally with sneakers or open-toed sandals)!

Wear a T-shirt in a colour flattering to you (e.g..: if you have blue eyes, try purple!), with a bit of cleavage, and a feminine print (e.g.: mode design).

With the capris, go classic and neutral. Let the T-shirt do the talking... 

Always accessorize: wear a belt to complete and tidy up your ensemble, and try some bling**!

**Don't wear massive jewelry, i.e. a huge necklace or earrings or rings... Keep it simple, but make sure it ties in with your outfit, including your shoes. E.g., if you have silver detailing on your shoes, wear silver jewellery. Also, it doesn't hurt to get some unique and/or timeless pieces. See more on unique pieces here.

For the shoes: Unless high-heels are part of the dress code and instead of sandals (any type, including the dreaded flip-flop), try a ballerina shoe in a colour that goes with your shirt. Ballerinas are cute and timeless.

And there you have it! Just because this is a man's world, does not mean you have to dress like one. Besides, it turns people off (and not just sexually).

Coming up will be part 2: Make-up tip.

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