Monday, July 18, 2011

In a male-majority job and want to stand out as a woman? Do it through fashion. (Part 2)

This time, I will talk about the make-up - that is, how much of it you wear.

Don't go over-excessive, Gaga-esque with your make-up, as seen opposite (Photo credit: Ottawa Metro News).

When it comes to work make-up, unless you work as a cosmetician or some other job that requires the heavy make-up, keep it to the KISS code, that is: Keep It Simple Stupid.

A little eye-shadow, some mascara and some concealer to cover up the bruise-coloured bags under your eyes, maybe a little lipgloss, and you're good to go! Keep it natural. That's when your true beauty shines and when people will start taking you a little more seriously then before. (See below for a low-key look).