Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!: Scariest costume EVER!!!

Heidi Klum decided to celebrate Halloween this year with a particularly bone-chilling costume, as seen bellow.

Heidi arrives at her party on a gurney attended to by bloodied doctors.
"It's ALIVE!!!!" 

Exquisite detail in her makeup. 
Of course, always for a good cause.
However you dress for Halloween, be sure to party safely!


Cranberries, strawberries, bananas, oranges and vanilla yogurt powered up with soy protein, ginseng, flax seed, rosehip, and whey protein powder.

Source: Booster Juice.

Choices in ingredients:

-       Consider getting the fruits frozen (e.g.: Europe’s best),
-       Vanilla yogurt: try Activia to help your digestion,
-       Also, consider adding Goji berries.