Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Have a wild personal life, and you share everything on Facebook and Twitter?

Click here and see how that can derail all your potential jobs and job opportunities!

And click here to see who not to follow in trending Twitter ways... You don't want to be a Twit, after all?

Have a face-to-face interview coming up?

Click here to see how you can get ready for the big day.

Have a job *AND* vacation plans?

Click here and see why you boss shouldn't mess with your plans.

Afraid PMS might intervene at work, and chocolate is not an option?

Click here and see why a new research says milk can help you through your PMS.

Be careful what you say on Twitter, for words can ever hurt you.

To see why, click here.

What to wear/What not to wear on grad.

Click here to find out more.