Friday, July 22, 2011

Want to spice things up without breaking too much of a sweat? Go Indian.

Indian clothing is beautiful, light-weight and easy to wear during those hot, sweltering days. Plus, work-appropriate!

Enjoy your little piece of India! =)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Want to show your rockin' bikini bod at work?

There are work-appropriate ways to do it.

For example, as seen to the picture on the left, you can wear fit forming lasagna-strapped tank top, which will show off all your curves.

Pair it with some dress capris, and you're good to go! =)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yay or Nay: Short hair on a woman?

Emma Watson rocks her pixie look
 Many people may say "Nay" to the short hairstyle, but I am here to tell you: YAY!!!

If you can pull it off, go for it girl! If guys can have long hair now, girls can have short hair.
Keira Knightley also rockin' her 'do here.
So, follow in the footsteps of Halle Berry and Winona Ryder. I give you my blessing. ;-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

At work: Blouse + dress pants (or jeans) (or skirt) = timeless, classy, and professional.

A blouse is ALWAYS work appropriate. Always, always, ALWAYS. You can even go a bit crazy with the colours, make your outfit really POP!

Depending on your type of work, you can either wear jeans, dress pants, or even a skirt (just make sure they're in a neutral colour!).

Monday, July 18, 2011

In a male-majority job and want to stand out as a woman? Do it through fashion. (Part 2)

This time, I will talk about the make-up - that is, how much of it you wear.

Don't go over-excessive, Gaga-esque with your make-up, as seen opposite (Photo credit: Ottawa Metro News).

When it comes to work make-up, unless you work as a cosmetician or some other job that requires the heavy make-up, keep it to the KISS code, that is: Keep It Simple Stupid.

A little eye-shadow, some mascara and some concealer to cover up the bruise-coloured bags under your eyes, maybe a little lipgloss, and you're good to go! Keep it natural. That's when your true beauty shines and when people will start taking you a little more seriously then before. (See below for a low-key look).

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Try to find unique pieces...

Try to find unique pieces, either in outfits or accessories for your work attire.
This necklace, for example, is perfect for dressing up even a simple polo shirt, and is sure to draw a lot of compliments.                                                                     

The dress to the right here is another unique piece, from Terra Nostra's new fall 2011 collection, that is fun, flirty, quirky, yet can be worn in certain offices or worn out to a work party!

This outfit to the left, again from Terra Nostra's collection, is fun, flirty, simple, and yet totally professional for any office space. The colourful flip-flops add a nice punch to the whole outfit (though I don't recommend that footwork for work!!!).

So, don't be afraid to wear unique things to the office space, as long as they're no too over-the-top...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

In a male-majority job and want to stand out as a woman? Do it through fashion. (Part 1)

Put a feminine twist on typical office guy wear: T-shirt and capris (generally with sneakers or open-toed sandals)!

Wear a T-shirt in a colour flattering to you (e.g..: if you have blue eyes, try purple!), with a bit of cleavage, and a feminine print (e.g.: mode design).

With the capris, go classic and neutral. Let the T-shirt do the talking... 

Always accessorize: wear a belt to complete and tidy up your ensemble, and try some bling**!

**Don't wear massive jewelry, i.e. a huge necklace or earrings or rings... Keep it simple, but make sure it ties in with your outfit, including your shoes. E.g., if you have silver detailing on your shoes, wear silver jewellery. Also, it doesn't hurt to get some unique and/or timeless pieces. See more on unique pieces here.

For the shoes: Unless high-heels are part of the dress code and instead of sandals (any type, including the dreaded flip-flop), try a ballerina shoe in a colour that goes with your shirt. Ballerinas are cute and timeless.

And there you have it! Just because this is a man's world, does not mean you have to dress like one. Besides, it turns people off (and not just sexually).

Coming up will be part 2: Make-up tip.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Have a wild personal life, and you share everything on Facebook and Twitter?

Click here and see how that can derail all your potential jobs and job opportunities!

And click here to see who not to follow in trending Twitter ways... You don't want to be a Twit, after all?

Have a face-to-face interview coming up?

Click here to see how you can get ready for the big day.

Have a job *AND* vacation plans?

Click here and see why you boss shouldn't mess with your plans.

Afraid PMS might intervene at work, and chocolate is not an option?

Click here and see why a new research says milk can help you through your PMS.

Be careful what you say on Twitter, for words can ever hurt you.

To see why, click here.

What to wear/What not to wear on grad.

Click here to find out more.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Catherine Middleton: New Fashion Icon

Shorts at work: Yay, or nay?

And I am here to tell you NAY!!!

Shorts are not appropriate work wear, unless you're a lifeguard or work at a place where showing a lot of skin is considered a uniform requirement. Otherwise, x-nay on orts-shay!

Yes, it can affect you, too: Mental health and work.

Made in Canada fashion, eh?

Think money can buy happiness? Read on.

Going out to dinner with your boss? Read on.

5 hot-this-year opportunities for you to work!

Is the job you have now the job you'll have forever? Not necessarily.

Danger, Will Robinson! - Doing an internship instead of working a job? Read on.

Photo credit: Ottawa Metro